Rewards Pro®

Man checking phone while parked outside coffee shop

How can you transform parking into a win-win for all stakeholders? With Rewards Pro®, local businesses can offer just-in-time promotions to engage with nearby foot traffic, while municipalities and parking operators can reward good motorist behavior—completely shifting away from the current penalization-only model.

How it works

  • Multi-brand, coalition loyalty program
  • Preconfigured campaign KPIs
  • Incentivize motorists just in time
  • Monitor transactional behavior
Long street with cars parked along each side
Coworkers analyzing graphs on tablet

Rethink rewards

Imagine a rewards platform that benefits everyone: municipalities, motorists, parking operators, and businesses.

Businesspeople shaking hands across table

Revitalize local business

Promote commerce through parking management by connecting local businesses with motorists through targeted offers and perks.

Person checking phone on street corner

Reimagine the experience

Create a data-driven customer experience that leverages insights to drive activity at the right time, in the right place, and at the right value.

What you get

City icon


  • Shift public perception away from the penalization-based parking model
  • Use AI to promote downtown businesses
  • Track commuter patterns and adjust regulations dynamically
  • Minimize street hardware to avoid costly maintenance and support
Business icon


  • Deliver just-in-time awards, rewards and deals to motorists
  • Enhance the motorist experience by linking parking with shopping
  • Drive foot traffic and understand parking patterns
  • Attract, acquire, reward, recognize, and retain motorists
Process Pro icon

Parking operators

  • A custom, big-data platform to manage customer loyalty
  • Attract, acquire, reward, recognize, and retain customers
  • Manage offers through awards, rewards, deals, and privileges
  • Manage virtual currency
  • Drive disruptive revenue growth through small-business partnerships
Smiling woman

Ready to transform your parking operations?

Reach out to learn more or request a free demo.