Park Loyalty is a leading provider of parking-focused technologies and services that offer AI-assisted benefits not currently leveraged within the industry.
We believe that every stakeholder has something to gain from a well-run parking program. That’s why we’ve combined our decades of experience in developing and providing solutions for all levels of on- and off-street programs to create a platform that makes it simple.
Our platform
Uniquely designed for multi-brand, multi-partner, coalition-style loyalty businesses empowering the entire program ecosystem to maximize innovation, speed to market, and the collective value-proposition.
Our parking platform enables your organization to get an objective measure of the real value each customer brings, blending not just their spend but also key cost-saving behaviors and revenue-amplifying influences.
Dynamic, real-time customer insight: transactional, analytical, and behavioral.
Preconfigured KPIs to ensure tight alignment between the target outcome of each reward campaign and usage objectives.
Uniquely designed for multi-brand, multi-partner, coalition-style loyalty businesses empowering the entire program ecosystem to maximize innovation, speed to market, and the collective value-proposition.
Dynamic, real-time customer insight: transactional, analytical, and behavioral.
Our parking platform enables your organization to get an objective measure of the real value each customer brings, blending not just their spend but also key cost-saving behaviors and revenue-amplifying influences.
Preconfigured KPIs to ensure tight alignment between the target outcome of each reward campaign and usage objectives.